
action in accord with prevailing social standards, attitudes, practices, etc.
correspondence in form, nature, or character; agreement, congruity, or accordance.
compliance or acquiescence; obedience.
(often initial capital letter) compliance with the usages of an established church, especially the Church of England.
Geology. the relationship between adjacent strata.
Compare (def 2a).
noun (pl) -ities, -ances
compliance in actions, behaviour, etc, with certain accepted standards or norms
correspondence or likeness in form or appearance; congruity; agreement
compliance with the practices of an established church

early 15c., conformyte, from Middle French conformité (14c.), from Late Latin conformitatem (nominative conformitas), from conformis “similar in shape,” from conformare (see conform). Modern form is from 17c.

Agreement between an individual’s behavior and a group’s standards or expectations. A conformist is one who follows the majority’s desires or standards. (See also beatniks, bureaucrat, organization man, peer group, and peer pressure.)

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