
a ring of color, as around the human nipple.
a small interstice, as between the fibers of connective tissue.
Historical Examples

The areola, or part which becomes brown; it is elevated above the rest of the Breast, as may be seen.
The Matron’s Manual of Midwifery, and the Diseases of Women During Pregnancy and in Childbed Frederick Hollick

noun (pl) -lae (-ˌliː), -las
(anatomy) any small circular area, such as the pigmented ring around the human nipple or the inflamed area surrounding a pimple

“colored circle around a nipple,” 1706, from Latin areola, literally “small area,” diminutive of area (see area). Introduced in this sense 1605 by Swiss anatomist and botanist Caspar Bauhin (1560-1624).

areola a·re·o·la (ə-rē’ə-lə)
n. pl. a·re·o·las or a·re·o·lae (-lē’)

A small area.

Any of numerous spaces or interstices in areolar tissue.

Areola mammae.

A pigmented, depigmented, or erythematous zone surrounding a papule, pustule, wheal, or cutaneous neoplasm.

a·re’o·lar or a·re’o·late (-lĭt) adj.

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