Audit commission


a government body in the UK with responsibility for ensuring that public money is used economically, efficiently, and effectively
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    a trial hearing given to a singer, actor, or other performer to test suitability for employment, professional training or competition, etc. a reading or other simplified rendering of a theatrical work, performed before a potential backer, producer, etc. the act, sense, or power of hearing. something that is heard. to try or compete in an […]

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    a person who competes or takes part in an audition.

  • Auditionee

    a person who competes or takes part in an audition.

  • Auditioner

    a trial hearing given to a singer, actor, or other performer to test suitability for employment, professional training or competition, etc. a reading or other simplified rendering of a theatrical work, performed before a potential backer, producer, etc. the act, sense, or power of hearing. something that is heard. to try or compete in an […]

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