
a four-wheeled carriage with a high front seat outside for the driver, facing seats inside for two couples, and a calash top over the back seat.
Historical Examples

He naturally intimated as much to him, whereupon the owner of the barouche burst into a great peal of laughter.
The Man With The Broken Ear Edmond About

I applied myself to the sable Jehu of the barouche, but with no better success.
The Quadroon Mayne Reid

Sir John sends me word his barouche will be at the door in ten minutes, and I have to hurry on my travelling dress.
Tales And Novels, Volume 5 (of 10) Maria Edgeworth

Then Pense was assisted into the barouche, and drove homewards.
Robert Orange John Oliver Hobbes

As the meeting progressed, barouche’s eyes wandered slowly over the faces of his audience.
Carnac’s Folly, Complete Gilbert Parker

Always a barouche with four white horses was provided to carry him from point to point.
Lafayette Martha Foote Crow

Besides Judge Merlin’s brougham and Mr. Middleton’s barouche, there were several other carriages drawn up before the house.
Ishmael Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth

I told you that I knew the Bow Street runner who was in the barouche.
Night and Morning, Complete Edward Bulwer-Lytton

However, when the barouche pulled up in front of a house in Adelaide Crescent, Mr. Moore had his own proposal to make.
Prince Fortunatus William Black

I ‘ain’t got a idee on earth what to buy, from a broach to a barouche.
Moriah’s Mourning and Other Half-Hour Sketches Ruth McEnery Stuart

a four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage, popular in the 19th century, having a retractable hood over the rear half, seats inside for two couples facing each other, and a driver’s seat outside at the front

type of four-wheeled carriage, 1801, from dialectal German barutsche, from Italian baroccio “chariot,” originally “two-wheeled car,” from Latin birotus “two-wheeled,” from bi- “two” + rotus “wheel,” from rotare “go around” (see rotary). Frenchified in English, but the word is not French.

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