


A bartender (late 1800s+)

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    See B.P (def 4). Bachelor of Pharmacy. Bachelor of Philosophy. Finance. basis point. Archaeology. before the present: (in radiocarbon dating) in a specified amount of time or at a specified point in time before a.d. 1950: between 2 and 3 million years b.p.; human groups living in cities by 5000 b.p. Commerce. bills payable.

  • Before present

    See B.P (def 4). Bachelor of Pharmacy. Bachelor of Philosophy. Finance. basis point. Archaeology. before the present: (in radiocarbon dating) in a specified amount of time or at a specified point in time before a.d. 1950: between 2 and 3 million years b.p.; human groups living in cities by 5000 b.p. Commerce. bills payable.

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