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  • Budge

    to move slightly; begin to move: He stepped on the gas but the car didn’t budge. to change one’s opinion or stated position; yield: Once her father had said “no,” he wouldn’t budge. to cause to move; begin to move: It took three of them to budge the rock. to cause (someone) to reconsider or […]

  • Budger

    to move slightly; begin to move: He stepped on the gas but the car didn’t budge. to change one’s opinion or stated position; yield: Once her father had said “no,” he wouldn’t budge. to cause to move; begin to move: It took three of them to budge the rock. to cause (someone) to reconsider or […]

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    good; fine. pretty. Historical Examples The Logbooks of the Lady Nelson Ida Lee

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    an Australian parakeet, Melopsittacus undulatus, having greenish plumage with black and yellow markings, bred as a pet in a variety of colors. noun a small green Australian parrot, Melopsittacus undulatus: a popular cagebird that is bred in many different coloured varieties Often (informal) shortened to budgie n.

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