
a variety of lyric poetry in the Italian style, of Provençal origin, that closely resembles the madrigal.
a poem in which each word that appears at the end of a line of the first stanza appears again at the end of one of the lines in each of the following stanzas.
Historical Examples

The Romance of Biography (Vol 1 of 2) Anna Jameson
The Works of Lord Byron, Volume 4 Lord Byron
The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy Jacob Burckhardt
Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama Walter W. Greg
Instigations Ezra Pound
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 7, Slice 9 Various
The Romance of Biography (Vol 1 of 2) Anna Jameson
The New Life (La Vita Nuova) Dante Alighieri
Imaginary Conversations and Poems Walter Savage Landor
Library of the World’s Best Literature, Ancient and Modern Volume 11 Various

noun (pl) -ni (-nɪ)
a Provençal or Italian lyric, often in praise of love or beauty

a song, usually of a lyrical nature
(in 16th-century choral music) a polyphonic song from which the madrigal developed

a type of 16th- or 17th-century contrapuntal music, usually for keyboard, lute, or instrumental ensemble

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