
an animal that eats flesh.
a flesh-eating mammal of the order Carnivora, comprising the dogs, cats, bears, seals, and weasels.
an insectivorous plant.
Contemporary Examples

The Hindus there kept strictly vegetarian, but there was never any tension with the carnivores next door.
The Fugitive Guru Ben Crair June 20, 2011

The area, which once hosted a large lake, had an attractive climate that enticed herbivores and then carnivores.
294 Dinosaurs Once Walked on This Wall in Bolivia Nina Strochlic October 23, 2013

Historical Examples

Again, the only carnivores to whom they seem to have supplied food were reptiles of their own race.
The Story of Evolution Joseph McCabe

Of the carnivores only the cat and the dog are truly domesticated.
Introduction to the Science of Sociology Robert E. Park

The kidneys are of course lobulate, as in the other aquatic carnivores.
The Cambridge Natural History, Vol X., Mammalia Frank Evers Beddard

He can not compete with carnivores in strength and ferocity, nor with herbivores in fleetness.
Evolution Joseph Le Conte

Comments on the taxonomy and geographic distribution of some North American marsupials, insectivores, and carnivores.
Check-list of the Birds of Kansas Harrison B Tordoff

Not the slightest deference is paid to the private opinions and sentiments of these carnivores by the vulgar crowd of sight-seers.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, February 18, 1914 Various

Of the class Mammalia there are two well-recognized and widely-distinct orders, viz., the carnivores and the Herbivores.
Evolution Joseph Le Conte

In 4% the canines are very strongly developed, long, sharp, and curving inwardly as in carnivores.
Criminal Man Gina Lombroso-Ferrero

any placental mammal of the order Carnivora, typically having large pointed canine teeth and sharp molars and premolars, specialized for eating flesh. The order includes cats, dogs, bears, raccoons, hyenas, civets, and weasels
any other animal or any plant that feeds on animals
(informal) an aggressively ambitious person

“flesh-eating animal,” 1839, from French carnivore (16c.), from Latin carnivorus “flesh-eating” (see carnivorous).

An animal that feeds chiefly on the flesh of other animals. Carnivores include predators such as lions and alligators, and scavengers such as hyenas and vultures. In a food chain, carnivores are either secondary or tertiary consumers. Compare detritivore, herbivore.

Any of various generally meat-eating mammals of the order Carnivora. Carnivores have large, sharp canine teeth and large brains, and the musculoskeletal structure of their forelimbs permits great flexibility for springing at prey. Many carnivores remain in and defend a single territory. Dogs, cats, bears, weasels, raccoons, hyenas, and (according to some classifications) seals and walruses are all carnivores.

A plant that eats insects, such as a Venus flytrap.

carnivore [(kahr-nuh-vawr)]

A living thing that eats meat. Among mammals, there is an order of carnivores, including primarily meat-eating animals such as tigers and dogs. Some plants, such as the Venus’s-flytrap, are carnivores.

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