
a wild animal of the cat family, especially the cougar or the lynx.
Historical Examples

It was not until he had gone deeply into the woods, and the darkness was everywhere about him, that he remembered the catamount.
The Homesteader Oscar Micheaux

It was as large a catamount as the two Maine lads had ever seen.
The Camp in the Snow William Murray Graydon

First of all, the catamount must be taken away from the cabin and skinned.
The Camp in the Snow William Murray Graydon

The catamount had shifted his position, and the boys saw him plainly.
The Camp in the Snow William Murray Graydon

You must get Hewey Glinds to tell you bear and catamount stories.
When Life Was Young C. A. Stephens

The catamount screeched, and quivered for a second at44tack.
The Camp in the Snow William Murray Graydon

“If we do the catamount will likely climb after us,” replied Jerry.
The Camp in the Snow William Murray Graydon

It struck the catamount on the foreshoulders, bounced off and rolled in the snow.
The Camp in the Snow William Murray Graydon

Dragged to the light, some called it a catamount, but others more correctly a wild-cat (Lynx fasciatus).
Two Years in Oregon Wallis Nash

There was no time to retreat, for he heard, close by, an angry snarl from the catamount.
The Camp in the Snow William Murray Graydon

any of various medium-sized felines, such as the puma or lynx

1660s, shortening of cat-o’-mountain (1610s), from cat of the mountain (early 15c.), a name aplied to various types of wildcat.

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