Charles herbert best

Charles Herbert, 1899–1978, Canadian physiologist, born in the U.S.: one of the discoverers of insulin.
the superlative of good
most excellent of a particular group, category, etc
most suitable, advantageous, desirable, attractive, etc
the best part of, most of: the best part of an hour
put one’s best foot forward

to do one’s utmost to make progress
to hurry

the superlative of well1
in a manner surpassing all others; most excellently, advantageously, attractively, etc
(in combination) in or to the greatest degree or extent; most: the best-loved hero
as best one can, as best one may, as effectively as possible within one’s limitations
had best, would be wise, sensible, etc, to: you had best go now
the best, the most outstanding or excellent person, thing, or group in a category
(often preceded by at) the most excellent, pleasing, or skilled quality or condition: journalism at its best
the most effective effort of which a person or group is capable: even their best was inadequate
a winning majority: the best of three games
Also all the best. best wishes: she sent him her best
a person’s smartest outfit of clothing
at best

in the most favourable interpretation
under the most favourable conditions

for the best

for an ultimately good outcome
with good intentions: he meant it for the best

get the best of, have the best of, to surpass, defeat, or outwit; better
give someone the best, to concede someone’s superiority
make the best of, to cope as well as possible in the unfavourable circumstances of (often in the phrases make the best of a bad job, make the best of it)
(informal) six of the best, six strokes with a cane on the buttocks or hand
(transitive) to gain the advantage over or defeat
Charles Herbert. 1899–1978, Canadian physiologist: associated with Banting and Macleod in their discovery of insulin in 1922
George. 1946–2005, Northern Ireland footballer

The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men
Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy!


Best-seller as short for “best-selling book” is from 1902, apparently originally in the publishing trade; best friend was in Chaucer (late 14c.). Best girl is first attested 1881, American English; best man is 1814, originally Scottish, replacing groomsman. To be able to do something with the best of them is recorded by 1748.
American-born Canadian physiologist who assisted Frederick Banting in the discovery of the hormone insulin. In acknowledgment of his work, Banting shared his portion of the 1923 Nobel Prize with Best. In addition to further refining the use of insulin, Best later discovered the vitamin choline and the enzyme histaminase, which breaks down histamine.

best bib and tucker
best of both worlds, the
best part of something
best shot

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