
choledochojejunostomy cho·led·o·cho·je·ju·nos·to·my (kə-lěd’ə-kō-jə-jōō’nŏs’tə-mē, -jē’jōō-)
The surgical formation of a communication between the common bile duct and the jejunum.

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    [kuh-led-i-kos-tuh-mee, koh-luh-doh-kos-, kol-i-] /kəˌlɛd ɪˈkɒs tə mi, ˌkoʊ lə doʊˈkɒs-, ˌkɒl ɪ-/ noun, plural choledochostomies. Surgery. 1. formation of a temporary opening through the abdominal wall into the common bile duct, usually to remove stones. choledochostomy cho·led·o·chos·to·my (kə-lěd’ə-kŏs’tə-mē) n. The establishment of a fistula into the common bile duct.

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