
[kohlt] /koʊlt/

a young male animal of the horse family.
a male horse of not more than four years of age.
a young or inexperienced person.
a male horse or pony under the age of four
an awkward or inexperienced young person

trademark a type of revolver, pistol, etc

Old English colt “colt,” originally “young ass,” in Biblical translations also used for “young camel,” perhaps from Proto-Germanic *kultaz (cf. Swedish dialectal kult “young boar, piglet; boy,” Danish kuld “offspring, brood”) and akin to child. Applied to persons from early 13c.

COLT’S TOOTH An old fellow who marries, or keeps a young girl, is ſaid to have a colt’s tooth in his head. [“Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue,” 1796]


type of revolver, 1838, originally the manufacture of U.S. gunsmith Samuel Colt (1814-1862).

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