Committee of the whole house

(in Britain) an informal sitting of the House of Commons to discuss and amend a bill

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  • Committee-of-the-whole

    noun 1. the entire membership of a legislative body, sitting in a deliberative rather than a legislative capacity, for informal debate and preliminary consideration of matters awaiting legislative action.

  • Committeeperson

    [kuh-mit-ee-pur-suh n] /kəˈmɪt iˌpɜr sən/ noun 1. a member of a committee. 2. the leader of a political ward or precinct.

  • Committeewoman

    [kuh-mit-ee-woo m-uh n] /kəˈmɪt iˌwʊm ən/ noun, plural committeewomen. 1. a serving as a member of a . 2. a who is the leader of a political ward or precinct.

  • Committing

    [kuh-mit] /kəˈmɪt/ verb (used with object), committed, committing. 1. to give in trust or charge; consign. 2. to consign for preservation: to commit ideas to writing; to commit a poem to memory. 3. to pledge (oneself) to a position on an issue or question; express (one’s intention, feeling, etc.): Asked if he was a candidate, […]

  • Commit to memory

    Learn by heart, memorize, as in The director insisted that the altos commit their part to memory by Tuesday. First recorded in 1875, this phrase today is often replaced by the shorter memorize.

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