
[kom-yuh-tey-shuh n] /ˌkɒm yəˈteɪ ʃən/

the act of substituting one thing for another; substitution; exchange.
the changing of a prison sentence or other penalty to another less severe.
the act of , as to and from a place of work.
the substitution of one kind of payment for another.
Electricity. the act or process of .
Also called commutation test. Linguistics. the technique, especially in phonological analysis, of substituting one linguistic item for another while keeping the surrounding elements constant, used as a means of determining the constituent units in a sequence and their contrasts with other units.
a substitution or exchange

the reduction in severity of a penalty imposed by law
the process of commutating an electric current
(US) the travelling done by a commuter

mid-15c., from Old French commutacion “change, transformation, exchange, barter” (13c., Modern French commutation), from Latin commutationem (nominative commutatio) “a change, alteration,” noun of action from past participle stem of commutare “to change, alter entirely” (see commute (v.)).

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