
[kongk, konch] /kɒŋk, kɒntʃ/

noun, plural conchs
[kongks] /kɒŋks/ (Show IPA), conches
[kon-chiz] /ˈkɒn tʃɪz/ (Show IPA)
the spiral shell of a gastropod, often used as a horn.
any of various marine gastropods.
the fabled shell trumpet of the Tritons.
(often initial capital letter) Slang: Sometimes Disparaging.

Also, concha. Architecture. a smooth concave surface consisting of or resembling the interior of a semidome, as the surface of a vault, a trompe, or the head of a niche.
variant of before a vowel.
/kɒŋk; kɒntʃ/
noun (pl) conchs (kɒŋks), conches (ˈkɒntʃɪz)
any of various tropical marine gastropod molluscs of the genus Strombus and related genera, esp S. gigas (giant conch), characterized by a large brightly coloured spiral shell
the shell of such a mollusc, used as a trumpet
(architect) another name for concha (sense 2)

type of shell, early 15c., from Latin concha “shellfish, mollusk,” from Greek konkhe “mussel, shell,” from PIE root *konkho-. The name for natives of Florida Keys since at least 1833; the prefered pronunciation there (“kongk”) preserves the classical one.

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