
[kuh n-kur-uh ns, -kuhr-] /kənˈkɜr əns, -ˈkʌr-/

the act of .
accordance in opinion; agreement:
With the concurrence of several specialists, our doctor recommended surgery.
cooperation, as of agents or causes; combined action or effort.
simultaneous occurrence; coincidence:
the concurrence of several unusual events.
Geometry. a point that is in three or more lines simultaneously.
Law. a power equally held or a claim shared equally.
Archaic. competition; rivalry.
the act of concurring
agreement in opinion; accord; assent
cooperation or combination
simultaneous occurrence; coincidence
(geometry) a point at which three or more lines intersect

early 15c., from Old French concurrence (14c.) or directly from Medieval Latin concurrentia “a running together,” from concurrens, present participle of concurrere (see concur).

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