
[kuh n-dem] /kənˈdɛm/

verb (used with object)
to express an unfavorable or adverse judgment on; indicate strong disapproval of; censure.
to pronounce to be guilty; sentence to punishment:
to condemn a murderer to life imprisonment.
to give grounds or reason for convicting or censuring:
His acts condemn him.
to judge or pronounce to be unfit for use or service:
to condemn an old building.
U.S. Law. to acquire ownership of for a public purpose, under the right of eminent domain:
The city condemned the property.
to force into a specific state or activity:
His lack of education condemned him to a life of menial jobs.
to declare incurable.
verb (transitive)
to express strong disapproval of; censure
to pronounce judicial sentence on
to demonstrate the guilt of: his secretive behaviour condemned him
to judge or pronounce unfit for use: that food has been condemned
to compel or force into a particular state or activity: his disposition condemned him to boredom

early 14c., condempner “to blame, censure,” from Old French condamner “to condemn” (11c.), from Latin condemnare “to sentence, doom, blame, disapprove,” from com-, intensive prefix (see com-), + damnare “to harm, damage” (see damn). Replaced Old English fordeman. Related: Condemned; condemning.

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