
[kuh n-fur] /kənˈfɜr/

verb (used without object), conferred, conferring.
to consult together; compare opinions; carry on a discussion or deliberation.
verb (used with object), conferred, conferring.
to bestow upon as a gift, favor, honor, etc.:
to confer a degree on a graduate.
Obsolete. to compare.
verb -fers, -ferring, -ferred
(transitive; foll by on or upon) to grant or bestow (an honour, gift, etc)
(intransitive) to hold or take part in a conference or consult together
(transitive) an obsolete word for compare

1530s, from Middle French conférer (14c.) “to give, converse, compare,” from Latin conferre “to bring together,” figuratively “to compare; consult, deliberate, talk over,” from com- “together” (see com-) + ferre “to bear” (see infer). Sense of “taking counsel” led to conference. The meaning “compare” (common 1530-1650) is largely obsolete, but the abbreviation cf. still is used in this sense. Related: Conferred; conferring.

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