
[adjective kuh n-juhngkt, kon-juhngkt; noun kon-juhngkt] /adjective kənˈdʒʌŋkt, ˈkɒn dʒʌŋkt; noun ˈkɒn dʒʌŋkt/

bound in close association; conjoined; combined; united:
conjunct ideas; conjunct influences.
formed by conjunction.

Music. progressing melodically by intervals of a second:
conjunct motion of an ascending scale.
Logic. either of the propositions in a .
Grammar. a adverb.
/kənˈdʒʌŋkt; ˈkɒndʒʌŋkt/
joined; united
(music) relating to or denoting two adjacent degrees of a scale
(logic) one of the propositions or formulas in a conjunction

mid-15c., from Latin coniunctus, past participle of coniugare (see conjugal). A doublet of conjoint.

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