
[kon-stuh-peyt] /ˈkɒn stəˌpeɪt/

verb (used with object), constipated, constipating.
to cause in; make costive.
Informal. to cause to become slow-moving or immobilized; restrict the action or effectiveness of:
Bureaucratic red tape can constipate the operations of any government agency.
Obsolete. to crowd or pack closely together.
(transitive) to cause constipation in

1530s, in part a back-formation from constipation, in part from Latin constipatus, past participle of constipare (see constipation). Earlier as an adjective (early 15c.); an earlier verb in this sense was constipen (late 14c.). Related: Constipated; constipating.

constipate con·sti·pate (kŏn’stə-pāt’)
v. con·sti·pat·ed, con·sti·pat·ing, con·sti·pates
To cause constipation in the bowels.

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