
[kuh n-strikt] /kənˈstrɪkt/

verb (used with object)
to draw or press in; cause to contract or shrink; compress.
to slow or stop the natural course or development of:
Greed and aggressiveness constricted the nation’s cultural life.
verb (transitive)
to make smaller or narrower, esp by contracting at one place
to hold in or inhibit; limit

early 15c., from Latin constrictus, past participle of constringere “compress” (see constrain). A direct borrowing from Latin of the same word which, via French, became constrain. Related: Constricted; constricting.

constrict con·strict (kən-strĭkt’)
v. con·strict·ed, con·strict·ing, con·stricts
To make smaller or narrower especially by binding or squeezing.

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