
[kuh n-tent] /kənˈtɛnt/

satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else.
British. agreeing; assenting.
Archaic. .
verb (used with object)
to make content:
These things content me.
the state or feeling of being contented; satisfaction; :
His content was threatened.
(in the British House of Lords) an affirmative vote or voter.
(often pl) everything that is inside a container: the contents of a box
(usually pl)

the meaning or significance of a poem, painting, or other work of art, as distinguished from its style or form
all that is contained or dealt with in a discussion, piece of writing, etc; substance
the capacity or size of a thing
the proportion of a substance contained in an alloy, mixture, etc: the lead content of petrol
adjective (postpositive)
mentally or emotionally satisfied with things as they are
assenting to or willing to accept circumstances, a proposed course of action, etc
(transitive) to make (oneself or another person) content or satisfied: to content oneself with property
peace of mind; mental or emotional satisfaction
(Brit) (in the House of Lords) a formal expression of assent, as opposed to the expression not content

early 15c., from Middle French contenter, from content (adj.) “satisfied,” from Latin contentus “contained, satisfied,” past participle of continere (see contain). Sense evolved through “contained,” “restrained,” to “satisfied,” as the contented person’s desires are bound by what he or she already has. Related: Contented; contentedly.

c.1400, from Old French content, “satisfied,” from Latin contentus “contained, satisfied,” past participle of continere (see contain). Related: Contently (largely superseded by contentedly).

“that which is contained,” early 15c., from Latin contentum, contenta, noun use of past participle of continere (see contain). Meaning “satisfaction” is from 1570s; heart’s content is from 1590s (Shakespeare).

content con·tent (kŏn’těnt’)

see: to one’s heart’s content

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