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    [kon-ti-gyoo-i-tee] /ˌkɒn tɪˈgyu ɪ ti/ noun, plural contiguities. 1. the state of being ; contact or proximity. 2. a series of things in continuous connection; a continuous mass or extent. n. 1640s, from French contiguité from Latin contiguitas, from contiguus (see contiguous). contiguity con·ti·gu·i·ty (kŏn’tĭ-gyōō’ĭ-tē) n. The state of being contiguous.

  • Contiguous

    [kuh n-tig-yoo-uh s] /kənˈtɪg yu əs/ adjective 1. touching; in contact. 2. in close proximity without actually touching; near. 3. adjacent in time: contiguous events. /kənˈtɪɡjʊəs/ adjective 1. touching along the side or boundary; in contact 2. physically adjacent; neighbouring 3. preceding or following in time adj. 1610s, from Latin contiguus “near, touching, bordering upon,” […]

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    [kuh n-tig-yoo-uh s] /kənˈtɪg yu əs/ adjective 1. touching; in contact. 2. in close proximity without actually touching; near. 3. adjacent in time: contiguous events. /kənˈtɪɡjʊəs/ adjective 1. touching along the side or boundary; in contact 2. physically adjacent; neighbouring 3. preceding or following in time adj. 1610s, from Latin contiguus “near, touching, bordering upon,” […]

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    [kon-tn-uh ns] /ˈkɒn tn əns/ noun 1. self-restraint or abstinence, especially in regard to sexual activity; temperance; moderation. 2. Physiology. the ability to voluntarily control urinary and fecal discharge. n. late 14c., “self-restraint,” from Old French continence (14c.), from Latin continentia “a holding back, repression,” from continent-, present participle stem of continere (see continent). Especially […]

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    [kon-tn-uh ns] /ˈkɒn tn əns/ noun 1. self-restraint or abstinence, especially in regard to sexual activity; temperance; moderation. 2. Physiology. the ability to voluntarily control urinary and fecal discharge. n. late 14c., “self-restraint,” from Old French continence (14c.), from Latin continentia “a holding back, repression,” from continent-, present participle stem of continere (see continent). Especially […]

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