
[kuhv-it] /ˈkʌv ɪt/

verb (used with object)
to desire wrongfully, inordinately, or without due regard for the rights of others:
to covet another’s property.
to wish for, especially eagerly:
He won the prize they all coveted.
verb (used without object)
to have an inordinate or wrongful desire.
verb (transitive) -vets, -veting, -veted
to wish, long, or crave for (something, esp the property of another person)

mid-13c., from Old French coveitier “covet, desire, lust after” (12c., Modern French convoiter, influenced by con- words), probably ultimately from Latin cupiditas “passionate desire, eagerness, ambition,” from cupidus “very desirous,” from cupere “long for, desire” (see cupidity). Related: Coveted; coveting.

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