
[kree-ohl] /ˈkri oʊl/

a person born in the West Indies or Spanish America but of European, usually Spanish, ancestry.
a person born in Louisiana but of usually French ancestry.
(sometimes lowercase) a person of mixed black and European, especially French or Spanish, ancestry who speaks a form of French or Spanish.
(usually lowercase) a language; a pidgin that has become the native language of a speech community.
Compare .
the French language of the descendants of the original settlers of Louisiana.
Compare .
(usually lowercase) Archaic. a black person born in the New World, as distinguished from one brought there from Africa.
(sometimes lowercase) of, relating to, or characteristic of a Creole or Creoles.
(usually lowercase) Cookery. indicating a spicy sauce or dish made especially with tomatoes, peppers, onions, celery, and seasonings, and often served with rice.
(sometimes lowercase) bred or growing in a country, but of foreign origin, as an animal or plant.
a language that has its origin in extended contact between two language communities, one of which is generally European. It incorporates features from each and constitutes the mother tongue of a community Compare pidgin
denoting, relating to, or characteristic of creole
(of a sauce or dish) containing or cooked with tomatoes, green peppers, onions, etc
(sometimes not capital) (in the Caribbean and Latin America)

(in Louisiana and other Gulf States of the US) a native-born person of French ancestry
the creolized French spoken in Louisiana, esp in New Orleans
of, relating to, or characteristic of any of these peoples

c.1600, from French créole (17c.), from Spanish criollo “person native to a locality,” from Portuguese crioulo, diminutive of cria “person (especially a servant) raised in one’s house,” from criar “to raise or bring up,” from Latin creare “to produce, create” (see create).

The exact sense varies with local use. Originally with no connotation of color or race; Fowler (1926) writes: “Creole does not imply mixture of race, but denotes a person either of European or (now rarely) of negro descent born and naturalized in certain West Indian and American countries.” In U.S. use, applied to descendants of French and Spanish settlers in Louisiana from at least 1792. Of languages, from 1879. As an adjective, from 1748.

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