
verb (used without object), dared or (Archaic) durst; dared; daring; present singular 3rd person dares or dare.
to have the necessary courage or boldness for something; be bold enough:
You wouldn’t dare!
verb (used with object), dared or (Archaic) durst; dared; daring; present singular 3rd person dares or dare.
to have the boldness to try; venture; hazard.
to meet defiantly; face courageously.
to challenge or provoke (a person) into a demonstration of courage; defy:
to dare a man to fight.
auxiliary verb
to have the necessary courage or boldness to (used chiefly in questions and negatives):
How dare you speak to me like that? He dare not mention the subject again.
an act of daring or defiance; challenge.
dare say, daresay.
Virginia, 1587–? first child born of English parents in the Western Hemisphere.
Dictionary of American Regional English.
(transitive) to challenge (a person to do something) as proof of courage
(can take an infinitive with or without to) to be courageous enough to try (to do something): she dares to dress differently from the others, you wouldn’t dare!
(transitive) (rare) to oppose without fear; defy
I dare say, I daresay

(it is) quite possible (that)
probably: used as sentence substitute

a challenge to do something as proof of courage
something done in response to such a challenge

Differential Analyzer REplacement. A family of simulation languages for continuous systems.
[“Digital Continuous System Simulation”, G.A. Korn et al, P-H 1978].
Dictionary of American Regional English
Drug Abuse Resistance Education

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