
[ih-lek-trof-er-uh s, ee-lek-] /ɪ lɛkˈtrɒf ər əs, ˌi lɛk-/

noun, plural electrophori
[ih-lek-trof-uh-rahy, ee-lek-] /ɪ lɛkˈtrɒf əˌraɪ, ˌi lɛk-/ (Show IPA)
an instrument for generating static electricity by means of induction.
/ɪlɛkˈtrɒfərəs; ˌiːlɛk-/
an apparatus for generating static electricity. It consists of an insulating plate charged by friction and used to charge a metal plate by induction
(ĭ-lěk’trŏf’ər-əs, ē’lěk-)
Plural electrophori
An electrostatic generator, constructed like one half of a large capacitor, the other half being any grounded surface, such as a table. A small charge is given to the electrophorus when it is near the grounded surface, effectively charging it like capacitor. As the electrophorous is lifted away from the surface, its voltage relative to the surface increases (as the capacitance decreases).

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