
[ih-moh-shuh-nl] /ɪˈmoʊ ʃə nl/

pertaining to or involving or the .
subject to or easily affected by :
We are an emotional family, given to demonstrations of affection.
appealing to the :
an emotional request for contributions.
showing or revealing very strong :
an emotional scene in a play.
actuated, effected, or determined by rather than reason:
An emotional decision is often a wrong decision.
governed by :
He is in a highly emotional state of mind.
of, characteristic of, or expressive of emotion
readily or excessively affected by emotion
appealing to or arousing emotion: an emotional piece of music
caused, determined, or actuated by emotion rather than reason: an emotional argument

1821, “pertaining to emotion,” from emotion + -al (1). Meaning “liable to emotions” attested by 1857. Related: Emotionally. Emotional intelligence coined by mid-1960s, popular from mid-1980s.

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