
[ahn-truh-poh; French ahn-truh-poh] /ˈɑn trəˌpoʊ; French ɑ̃ trəˈpoʊ/

noun, plural entrepôts
[ahn-truh-pohz; French ahn-truh-poh] /ˈɑn trəˌpoʊz; French ɑ̃ trəˈpoʊ/ (Show IPA)
a warehouse.
a commercial center where goods are received for distribution, transshipment, or repackaging.
/French ɑ̃trəpo/
a warehouse for commercial goods


“warehouse,” 1758, from French entrepôt (16c.), from Latin interpositum “that which is placed between,” neuter past participle of interponere (see interposition).

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