
[ep-uh-lawg, -log] /ˈɛp əˌlɔg, -ˌlɒg/

a concluding part added to a literary work, as a novel.
a speech, usually in verse, delivered by one of the actors after the conclusion of a play.
the person speaking this.

a short postscript to any literary work, such as a brief description of the fates of the characters in a novel
(Brit) (esp formerly) the concluding programme of the day on a radio or television station, often having a religious content

early 15c., from Middle French epilogue (13c.), from Latin epilogus, from Greek epilogos “conclusion of a speech,” from epi “upon, in addition” (see epi-) + logos “a speaking” (see lecture (n.)). Earliest English sense was theatrical.

1. Extended Programming In LOGic. PROLOG with several AND’s having different time constraints.
[“Epilog: A Language for Extended Programming in Logic”, A. Porto in Implementations of Prolog, J.A. Campbell ed, Ellis Horwood 1984].
2. A data-driven PROLOG, with both AND parallelism and OR parallelism. [“EPILOG = PROLOG + Data Flow”, M.J. Wise, SIGPLAN Noices 17:80-86 (1982)].

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