
[e-pee-trah-khee-lee-awn; English ep-i-truh-kee-lee-on, -keel-yuh n] /ˌɛ pi trɑˈxi li ɔn; English ˌɛp ɪ trəˈki liˌɒn, -ˈkil yən/

noun, plural epitrachelia
[e-pee-trah-khee-lee-ah; English ep-i-truh-kee-lee-uh, -keel-yuh] /ˌɛ pi trɑˈxi li ɑ; English ˌɛp ɪ trəˈki li ə, -ˈkil yə/ (Show IPA). Greek Orthodox Church.
a silk stole worn by clergy.

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