
[ik-sept] /ɪkˈsɛpt/

verb (used with object)
to exclude; leave out:
present company excepted.
verb (used without object)
to object (usually followed by to or against):
to except to a statement; to except against a witness.
Also except for. other than; apart from; with the exception of: he likes everyone except you, except for this mistake, you did very well
(conjunction) except that, but for the fact that; were it not true that
an archaic word for unless
(informal) except that; but for the fact that: I would have arrived earlier, except I lost my way
(transitive) to leave out; omit; exclude
(rare) (intransitive) often foll by to. to take exception; object

late 14c., “to receive,” from Middle French excepter (12c.), from Latin exceptus, past participle of excipere “take out,” from ex- “out” (see ex-) + capere “to take” (see capable). Meaning “to leave out” is from 1510s. Related: Excepted; excepting. Adjectival function led to use as a preposition, conjunction (late 14c.).

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