
[ek-spi-dahyt] /ˈɛk spɪˌdaɪt/

verb (used with object), expedited, expediting.
to speed up the progress of; hasten:
to expedite shipments.
to accomplish promptly, as a piece of business; dispatch:
to expedite one’s duties.
to issue or dispatch, as an official document or letter.
Obsolete. ready for action; alert.
verb (transitive)
to hasten the progress of; hasten or assist
to do or process (something, such as business matters) with speed and efficiency
(rare) to dispatch (documents, messages, etc)
adjective (obsolete)
unimpeded or prompt; expeditious
alert or prepared

late 15c. (implied in past participle expedit), from Latin expeditus, past participle of expedire “extricate, disengage, liberate; procure, make ready, make fit, prepare,” literally “free the feet from fetters,” hence “liberate from difficulties,” from ex- “out” (see ex-) + *pedis “fetter, chain for the feet,” related to pes (genitive pedis) “foot” (see foot). Cf. Greek pede “fetter.” Related: Expedited; expediting.

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