
[eks-proh-pree-eyt] /ɛksˈproʊ priˌeɪt/

verb (used with object), expropriated, expropriating.
to take possession of, especially for public use by the right of eminent domain, thus divesting the title of the private owner:
The government expropriated the land for a recreation area.
to dispossess (a person) of ownership:
The revolutionary government expropriated the landowners from their estates.
to take (something) from another’s possession for one’s own use:
He expropriated my ideas for his own article.
verb (transitive)
to deprive (an owner) of (property), esp by taking it for public use See also eminent domain

mid-15c., “renunciation of worldly goods,” from Medieval Latin expropriationem (nominative expropriatio), noun of action from Late Latin expropriare “deprive of property,” from ex- “away from” (see ex-) + propriare “to appropriate” (see appropriate). Sense of “a taking of someone’s property,” especially for public use, is from 1848; as Weekley puts it, “Current sense of organized theft appears to have arisen among Ger. socialists.”

1610s, back-formation from expropriation, or from earlier adjective (mid-15c.), or from Medieval Latin expropriatus, past participle of expropriare “to deprive of one’s own.” Related: Expropriated; expropriating.

The taking over of private property by a government, often without fair compensation but usually with a legal assertion that the government has a right to do so.

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