
[fawl-suh-fahy] /ˈfɔl sə faɪ/

verb (used with object), falsified, falsifying.
to make false or incorrect, especially so as to deceive:
to falsify income-tax reports.
to alter fraudulently.
to represent falsely:
He falsified the history of his family to conceal his humble origins.
to show or prove to be false; disprove:
to falsify a theory.
verb (used without object), falsified, falsifying.
to make false statements.
verb (transitive) -fies, -fying, -fied
to make (a report, evidence, accounts, etc) false or inaccurate by alteration, esp in order to deceive
to prove false; disprove

1560s, from Late Latin falsificationem (nominative falsificatio), noun of action from past participle stem of falsificare (see falsify).

mid-15c., “to prove false,” from Middle French falsifier (15c.), from Late Latin falsificare (see falsify). Meaning “to make false” is from c.1500. Earlier verb was simply falsen (c.1200). Related: Falsified; falsifying.

falsification fal·si·fi·ca·tion (fôl’sə-fĭ-kā’shən)
The deliberate act of misrepresentation so as to deceive.

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