
[fa-stid-ee-uh s, fuh-] /fæˈstɪd i əs, fə-/

excessively particular, critical, or demanding; hard to please:
a fastidious eater.
requiring or characterized by excessive care or delicacy; painstaking.
very critical; hard to please
excessively particular about details
exceedingly delicate; easily disgusted

mid-15c., “full of pride,” from Latin fastidiosus “disdainful, squeamish, exacting,” from fastidium “loathing, squeamishness,” most likely from *fastu-taidiom, a compound of fastus “contempt, arrogance” and taedium “aversion, disgust.” Early use in English was both in passive and active senses. Meaning “squeamish, over-nice” emerged in English 1610s. Related: Fastidiously; fastidiousness.

fastidious fas·tid·i·ous (fā-stĭd’ē-əs, fə-)

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