Feened out

noun phrase

A meal; food: I’m ready for the feedbag

Related Terms

put on the feedbag

[1920s+; fr the bag of feed, or nosebag, hung on the head of a horse]

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  • Feens

    [feend] /find/ noun 1. Satan; the devil. 2. any evil spirit; demon. 3. a diabolically cruel or wicked person. Synonyms: monster, savage, brute, beast, devil. 4. a person or thing that causes mischief or annoyance: Those children are little fiends. 5. Informal. a person who is extremely addicted to some pernicious habit: an opium fiend. […]

  • Feep

    /feep/ 1. The soft electronic “bell” sound of a display terminal (except for a VT-52); a beep (in fact, the microcomputer world seems to prefer beep). 2. To cause the display to make a feep sound. ASR-33s (the original TTYs) do not feep; they have mechanical bells that ring. Alternate forms: beep, “bleep”, or just […]

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