
[fel-oh-di-see, -sey] /ˈfɛl oʊ dɪˈsi, -ˈseɪ/

noun, plural felones-de-se
[fel-uh-neez-di-see, -sey, fuh-loh-neez-] /ˈfɛl əˌniz dɪˈsi, -ˈseɪ, fəˈloʊ niz-/ (Show IPA), felos-de-se
[fel-ohz-di-see, -sey] /ˈfɛl oʊz dɪˈsi, -ˈseɪ/ (Show IPA)
a person who commits suicide or commits an unlawful malicious act resulting in his or her own death.
the act of suicide.

Latin, “suicide,” literally “one guilty concerning himself.”

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