
[fuh-rey-muh n] /fəˈreɪ mən/

noun, plural foramina
[fuh-ram-uh-nuh] /fəˈræm ə nə/ (Show IPA)
an opening, orifice, or short passage, as in a bone or in the integument of the ovule of a plant.
noun (pl) -ramina (-ˈræmɪnə), -ramens
a natural hole, esp one in a bone through which nerves and blood vessels pass

plural foramina, 1670s, from Latin foramen “hole, opening, aperture, orifice,” from forare “to pierce” (see bore (v.)).

foramen fo·ra·men (fə-rā’mən)
n. pl. fo·ra·mens or fo·ram·i·na (-rām’ə-nə)
An aperture or perforation through a bone or a membranous structure.
fo·ram’i·nal (-rām’ə-nəl) or fo·ram’i·nous (-nəs) adj.
Plural foramina (fə-rām’ə-nə) or foramens
An opening or short passage, especially in the body. ◇ The large opening in the base of the skull through which the spinal cord passes is called the foramen magnum (māg’nəm). ◇ The opening in the septum between the right and left atria of the heart, present in the fetus but usually closed soon after birth, is the foramen ovale (ō-vāl’ē, -vā’lē, -vä’-).

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