
[fawr-bohd, fohr-] /fɔrˈboʊd, foʊr-/

verb (used with object), foreboded, foreboding.
to foretell or predict; be an omen of; indicate beforehand; portend:
clouds that forebode a storm.
to have a strong inner feeling or notion of (a future misfortune, evil, catastrophe, etc.); have a presentiment of.
verb (used without object), foreboded, foreboding.
to prophesy.
to have a presentiment.
to warn of or indicate (an event, result, etc) in advance
to have an intuition or premonition of (an event)

“feel a secret premonition,” c.1600, from fore- + bode. Related: Foreboded; foreboding. Old English forebodian meant “to announce, declare.”

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