
[fawr-soo k] /fɔrˈsʊk/

a simple past tense of .
[fawr-seyk] /fɔrˈseɪk/
verb (used with object), forsook, forsaken, forsaking.
to quit or leave entirely; abandon; desert:
She has forsaken her country for an island in the South Pacific.
to give up or renounce (a habit, way of life, etc.).
the past tense of forsake
verb (transitive) -sakes, -saking, -sook (-ˈsʊk), -saken (-ˈseɪkən)
to abandon
to give up (something valued or enjoyed)

past tense of forsake.

Old English forsacan “object to, decline, oppose, refuse, deny,” from for- “completely” + sacan “to deny, refuse” (see sake). Related: Forsaking.

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