
[free-hohl, free-hohl; Spanish free-hawl] /ˈfri hoʊl, friˈhoʊl; Spanish friˈhɔl/

noun, plural frijoles
[free-hohlz, free-hoh-leez; Spanish free-haw-les] /ˈfri hoʊlz, friˈhoʊ liz; Spanish friˈhɔ lɛs/ (Show IPA)
any bean of the genus Phaseolus, especially the kidney bean, the seeds of which are used for food in Mexico, in the southwestern U.S., etc.
/ˈfriːhəʊl; Spanish friˈxol/
noun (pl) -joles (-həʊlz; Spanish) (-ˈxoles)
a variety of bean, esp of the French bean, extensively cultivated for food in Mexico

1570s, from Spanish frijoles (plural) “beans,” from Latin phaseolus, phaselus “kidney bean,” from Greek phaselos “a kind of bean.”

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