
[gahr] /gɑr/

noun, plural (especially collectively) gar (especially referring to two or more kinds or species) gars.
Also called garfish, garpike. any predaceous freshwater fish of the genus Lepisosteus, of North America, covered with hard, diamond-shaped scales and having long jaws with needlelike teeth.
(def 1).
[gahr] /gɑr/
verb (used with object), garred, garring.
Scot. to compel or force (someone) to do something.
Scot. and North England Obsolete. to do, perform, or cause.
Grand Army of the Republic.
noun (pl) gar, gars
short for garpike, garfish
(transitive) (Scot) to cause or compel

“pike-like fish,” 1765, American English, shortening of garfish (mid-15c.), from Old English gar “spear,” from Proto-Germanic *gaizo- (cf. Old Norse geirr, Old Saxon, Old High German ger, German Ger “spear”), from PIE *ghaiso- “stick, spear” (see goad).
Grand Army of the Republic

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