
[jen-er-uh-lahyz] /ˈdʒɛn ər əˌlaɪz/

verb (used with object), generalized, generalizing.
to infer (a principle, trend, etc.) from particular facts, statistics, or the like.
to infer or form (a principle, opinion, conclusion, etc.) from only a few facts, examples, or the like.
to give a rather than a specific or special character or form to.
to make ; bring into use or knowledge.
verb (used without object), generalized, generalizing.
to form principles, opinions, etc.
to deal, think, or speak in .
to make inferences.
to form (general principles or conclusions) from (detailed facts, experience, etc); infer
(intransitive) to think or speak in generalities, esp in a prejudiced way
(transitive; usually passive) to cause to become widely used or known
(intransitive) (of a disease)


1751, probably a new formation from general (adj.) + -ize. Middle English had generalisen (early 15c.). Related: Generalizable; generalized; generalizing.

generalize gen·er·al·ize (jěn’ər-ə-līz’)
v. gen·er·al·ized, gen·er·al·iz·ing, gen·er·al·iz·es

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