
[jen-it, juh-net] /ˈdʒɛn ɪt, dʒəˈnɛt/

any small, Old World carnivore of the genus Genetta, especially G. genetta, having spotted sides and a ringed tail.
the fur of such an animal.
any agile catlike viverrine mammal of the genus Genetta, inhabiting wooded regions of Africa and S Europe, having an elongated head, thick spotted or blotched fur, and a very long tail
the fur of such an animal
an obsolete spelling of jennet
/French ʒənɛ/
Jean (ʒɑ̃). 1910–86, French dramatist and novelist; his novels include Notre-Dame des Fleurs (1944) and his plays Les Bonnes (1947) and Le Balcon (1956)

small civet, late 15c., from Old French genete (Modern French genette), from Spanish gineta, from Arabic jarnait.

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