
[jee-o-truh-piz-uh m] /dʒiˈɒ trəˌpɪz əm/

noun, Biology.
oriented growth with respect to the force of gravity.
the response of a plant part to the stimulus of gravity. Plant stems, which grow upwards irrespective of the position in which they are placed, show negative geotropism

1874, from German Geotropismus, from geo- + Greek trope (see trope). Coined in 1868 by German botanist Albert Bernhard Frank (1839-1900). Related: Geotropic.
The directional growth of an organism in response to gravity. Roots display positive geotropism when they grow downwards, while shoots display negative geotropism when they grow upwards. Also called gravitropism.

geotropic adjective (jē’ə-trō’pĭk, jē’ə-trŏp’ĭk)

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