
[glimps] /glɪmps/

a very brief, passing look, sight, or view.
a momentary or slight appearance.
a vague idea; inkling.
Archaic. a gleam, as of light.
verb (used with object), glimpsed, glimpsing.
to catch or take a glimpse of.
verb (used without object), glimpsed, glimpsing.
to look briefly; glance (usually followed by at).
Archaic. to come into view; appear faintly.
a brief or incomplete view: to catch a glimpse of the sea
a vague indication: he had a glimpse of what the lecturer meant
(archaic) a glimmer of light
(transitive) to catch sight of briefly or momentarily
(mainly US) (intransitive) usually foll by at. to look (at) briefly or cursorily; glance (at)
(intransitive) (archaic) to shine faintly; glimmer

c.1400, “to glisten, be dazzling,” probably from Old English *glimsian “shine faintly,” from Proto-Germanic *glim- (see gleam). If so, the intrusive -p- would be there to ease pronunciation. Sense of “catch a quick view” first recorded mid-15c. Related: Glimpsed. The noun is recorded from mid-16c.; earlier in verbal noun glimpsing (mid-14c.).

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