
[glohb] /gloʊb/

the planet Earth (usually preceded by the).
a planet or other celestial body.
a sphere on which is depicted a map of the earth (terrestrial globe) or of the heavens (celestial globe)
a spherical body; sphere.
anything more or less spherical, as a lampshade or a glass fishbowl.
a golden ball traditionally borne as an emblem of sovereignty; orb.
verb (used with object), globed, globing.
to form into a globe.
verb (used without object), globed, globing.
to take the form of a globe.
a sphere on which a map of the world or the heavens is drawn or represented
the globe, the world; the earth
a planet or some other astronomical body
an object shaped like a sphere, such as a glass lampshade or fish-bowl
(Austral & NZ, South African) an electric light bulb
an orb, usually of gold, symbolic of authority or sovereignty
to form or cause to form into a globe

mid-15c., “sphere,” from Middle French globe (14c.) and directly from Latin globus “round mass, sphere, ball,” also, of men, “a throng, crowd, body, mass,” related to gleba “clod, soil, land” (see glebe). Sense of “planet earth,” or a three-dimensional map of it first attested 1550s.


A woman’s breasts: I’d even seen Elena’s soft globes (1889+)
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment

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