
[gruh-noh-luh] /grəˈnoʊ lə/

a breakfast food consisting of rolled oats, brown sugar, nuts, dried fruit, etc., usually served with milk.
(US & Canadian) a mixture of rolled oats, brown sugar, nuts, fruit, etc, eaten with milk

1970, American English, probably from Italian grano “grain,” or from granular, with commercial suffix -ola. Earlier, with a capital G-, it was a proprietary name (reg. 1886 by W.K. Kellogg, in use into early 20c.) for a kind of breakfast cereal.

noun phrase

A person who is not stylish; for example, a woman who does not wear cosmetics •Shows a mocking attitude toward ”natural-looking” people and environmentalists (1980s+ Students)


: geeky granola-type Ely/ Fort Collins isn’t really into hard music. There’s a granola scene here


A person who is objectionably or prissily devoted to the 1960s values of environmental awareness, multiethnic tolerance, healthy ”natural” diet, usually vegetarian, precious antiquated tastes, etc; earth muffin: Stephanie turned into a granola when she started college. She won’t even eat at McDonald’s/ Elizabeth was far too granola for Jason, what with her herb garden and Celtic record collection

[late 1980s+ Students; fr a multigrain WK Kellogg breakfast cereal devised around 1886]

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