
[grahynd-stohn] /ˈgraɪndˌstoʊn/

a rotating solid stone wheel used for sharpening, shaping, etc.
a millstone.
keep / put one’s nose to the grindstone, to work, study, or practice hard and steadily or to cause someone to do so:
If I put my nose to the grindstone, I’ll finish the job this week.

another name for millstone
keep one’s nose to the grindstone, have one’s nose to the grindstone, to work hard and perseveringly

early 13c. “millstone,” from grind (v.) in sense of “sharpen” + stone (n.); meaning “revolving stone disc used for sharpening, etc.” is from c.1400. Phrase nose to the grindstone in use by 1530s; originally to get control of another and treat him harshly:

This Text holdeth their noses so hard to the grindstone, that it clean disfigureth their Faces. [John Frith, “Mirror to know Thyself,” 1532]

The main modern (reflective) sense of “work hard” is from 1828.

see: nose to the grindstone

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